domingo, 25 de março de 2012

Cloud for Public

Cloud Services for the Social Infrastructure

Cloud Services for the Public Infrastructure
NEC promotes the shift to intelligent social infrastructures with the aim of realizing enhanced safety, security and eco-friendliness. By providing IT and network systems, we aim to streamline the production/ consumption activities of individuals, enterprise and government. Through our social cloud solutions for example preventing the loss electricity and easing congestion, we would support our clients to realize a safer and securer society.

We acknowledge the social cloud in the following three categories:
- Optimization of the Daily Lives of Individuals,
- Enhancement of Local Community Platform, and
- Improvement of Global Ecosystems.

Optimization of the Daily Lives of Individuals

This category includes issues such as medical care, nursing care, food, education and government. We offer mass-customized services that are continually optimized for the benefit of individuals and support those in the real world.
Also, we provide a solution for regional medical linkage service, and demonstration is available in the newly opened Cloud Plaza.

Enhancement of Local Community Platform

This category includes issues such as security, finance, transportation, logistics and communications. We offer intelligent services aimed at realizing enhanced safety and security in local communities.
NEC can offer a integrated security system, which integrates biometric identification, video surveillance and entrance/ exit control. We can also provide the IC ticket systems, immigration control e-Gates and license plate number reading system.
NEC has proven experiences in the social security systems, providing the Bolivian election system using fingerprint authentication technology, and the South African national ID system.

Improvement of Global Ecosystems

This category includes issues such as water, electricity, disaster measures, agriculture and environment. We offer green/ eco-friendly services aimed at improving the coexistence of human beings and nature.
We will utilize our strength in green technology, for example the power accumulation system, to promote the integration of environment and information systems, resulting in solutions to enable effective use of electricity such as smart grid.
Smart grid system includes the automatic meter reading system (AMR), decentralized power system, interactive power distribution system and electrode (Lib) and storage system.

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